Perimenopause Confidential: What Mom Didn't Tell You About the Hormone Rollercoaster

Perimenopause 101

The first few years of my own Perimenopause journey were filled with illness, pain EVERYWHERE, mental health struggles, watching my marriage struggle because I was mistaking my low libido for drifting apart, a growing belly and thinning hair… the list just kept growing.  And yet, I had no idea I was perimenopausal. Why weren’t we ushered into a room with an uncomfortable video, handed a pamphlet or, at least, given some sort of warning?

I navigated perimenopause for years alone and confused, certain I was dying a slow melancholy death. I praise the day I had my first hot flash, finally a symptom I actually associated to “menopause”. This was the beginning of my awakening.

Ah, perimenopause, that delightful phase of life when your hormones throw a rave and forget to send you an invite. Before we dive headfirst into the world of hot flashes and mood swings, let's get acquainted with our frenemy a little better. In this blog, we'll define perimenopause, discuss its common symptoms and experiences, and debunk a few myths along the way. Buckle up, because we're about to take a crash course in Perimenopause 101!

Defining Perimenopause

Perimenopause is like the opening act to menopause, a transitional phase that usually kicks off in a woman's 40s (although it can start as early as the 30s). It's a hormonal limbo, where estrogen and progesterone levels dance like they're at a disco. This phase lasts until menopause, when a woman hasn't had a period for 12 consecutive months. The average age for menopause is 51, but the perimenopausal journey is as unique as your shoe collection.

The Symptoms and Experiences

Perimenopause is like a hormonal buffet – you never know what you're going to get. Some common symptoms include:

  1. Irregular periods: When your cycle starts acting like a rebellious teenager, showing up fashionably late or not at all.

  2. Hot flashes: Your body's way of asking, "Is it hot in here, or is it just my hormones?"

  3. Night sweats: A midnight surprise that leaves you drenched and irked at 3 a.m.

  4. Mood swings: The emotional rollercoaster that takes you from ecstatic to melancholic to fuming within minutes.

  5. Insomnia: When counting sheep is no match for your racing thoughts and restless legs.

  6. Brain fog: Your brain's sneaky way of playing hide-and-seek with your thoughts and memories.

These are just 6 of the 34 official symptoms of menopause!

Busting Perimenopause Myths

  1. Myth: Perimenopause only affects "older" women.

Truth: Perimenopause can start in your 30s, making age just a number in this hormonal equation.

  1. Myth: You can't get pregnant during perimenopause.

Truth: While fertility declines, it's still possible to conceive. So, keep those contraceptives within arm's reach!

  1. Myth: Hot flashes are the only symptom of perimenopause.

Truth: Hot flashes are just the tip of the iceberg. As we've seen, perimenopause brings a smorgasbord of symptoms to the party.

Alright, sister, we're just getting started with this whole perimenopause shindig! Settle in, because we're about to dive headfirst into the crazy hormone pool, splash around in our mood swings, and high-five our way through all those physical changes like true warriors. In upcoming posts, we'll be dishing out some edgy humor, a whole lotta empathy, and a sisterly fist-bump, because hey, we're all in this hormonal rollercoaster together!


Are you ready to kick Perimenopause / menopause's ass and show it who's boss? Ok, I admit that is a generic call to action. What I should have said is "Are you ready to stop suddenly crying while feeling like you're cooking from the inside as you snap at your favorite person again even while the sweat is rolling between your boobs which are now sagging and often times hurt as you hide from the embrassment and anxiety?

But that sounds A LOT less fun!


If you're reading this, chances are you're a woman over 40 who's experiencing the shit show that's menopause. Let's face it, it's NEVER a picnic. Between the hot flashes that make you feel like you're in a sauna, the weight gain that seems to come out of nowhere, the gray hairs that keep popping up, and the low energy that leaves you feeling like a sloth, it can feel like our bodies are betraying us.

But don't worry, my friend, you're not alone on this wild ride. In fact, there are millions of women just like us who are navigating this new stage of life. And that's exactly why I created The Menopause Monologues Community – to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive during this new chapter of our lives.



If you're reading this, chances are you're a woman over 40 who's experiencing the shit show that's menopause. Let's face it, it's NEVER a picnic. Between the hot flashes that make you feel like you're in a sauna, the weight gain that seems to come out of nowhere, the gray hairs that keep popping up, and the low energy that leaves you feeling like a sloth, it can feel like our bodies are betraying us.

But don't worry, my friend, you're not alone on this wild ride. In fact, there are millions of women just like us who are navigating this new stage of life. And that's exactly why I created this ebook – to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive during menopause.