Posts in Menopause
Managing Anxiety & Mood Swings During Menopause: Tips for Mental Health Support

Let's talk about menopause + mental health. AKA our shit storm of new norm.  We all know that menopause comes with a no short amount of physical symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain and insomnia, but did you know that it can also fuck with your mind? Yup, menopause can turn you into an emotional rollercoaster with mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Good news? You're not alone in this crazy ride, it just feels like it. Let's break it down and figure out how to navigate this new chapter in life together.

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Age Disgracefully: Beauty Hacks and Skincare Tips for Menopausal Women to Embrace Confidence Despite The Big M

The Big M - Not only do we have to deal with hot flashes and mood swings, but our skin and confidence take a hit too. Thanks, hormones! Suddenly, we're seeing more wrinkles, less elasticity, and don't even get me started on the dreaded jowls. It's enough to make you want to stay inside all day and avoid mirrors.

But hey, chin up (pluck 'em if you got 'em)! We menopausal women are warriors, and we won't let some hormonal changes bring us down. With a few beauty hacks up our sleeve, the right skincare and some self love we can still look and feel fabulous.

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